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Actions Installation Guide

With this quick guide you'll be able to learn how to install and use photoshop actions as well as some beginner editing tips

Simplified Steps

1. Download your new actions after purchase and unzip the folder they come in.

2. Now you have unzipped your actions it's time to install them, open photoshop and make sure you have a test photo at the ready. 

3. Next double click the actions file (.ATN) within the folder this will automatically install the actions into photoshop. Now your photos have been imported you should already see your actions are listed and ready to use however if you can't locate them click 'window' on the top menu bar and then down to 'actions'.

4. To play your actions so they edit your photo simply click the play icon and the action will edit your photo accordingly. To reset the image and remove the action press f12 or 'file' then 'Revert'.

Beginner Editing Tips

- Adjust the fill level as shown in the video to easily change the intensity of the actions without having to adjust any setting.

- When an action has been applied you can adjust it's setting to do this double click on 'Camera Raw Filter' in the action layer. A window will now open where you can easily tweak any settings to suit your chosen photo perfectly.

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